Dear School Administration
    I hereby make a formal legal request under the federal Freedom of Information Act, U.S.C. 5.552A.  You have ten days to respond in writing.
1.Does any sex information provider (e.g. Planned Parenthood, AIDS Project, etc.) have any contact with students in School District  ____ ?  If so, I request a schedule of all future contact they will have, where they will be and when, copies of any materials they distribute in the public schools, any curriculum summaries or other material which you have, and the name and title of the person(s) who approved or facilitated this.
2.What is the process Planned Parenthood or any other sex information provider went through to gain access to our schools, and the names of any officials involved in this process?  I want to see the application they made to qualify for access if there was one. 
3.What is the process and any specific instances whereby Planned Parenthood or any other sex information provider has been or will be invited into a school, such as whether a teacher requests this, or if a principal approves it, or if a committee has determined they will be in certain classes?  If you have copies of such requests or determinations, please provide them, or if it is done verbally please inform me of the name and position of the school officials involved, and when such determinations were made.   What entity has the power to block Planned Parenthood from access to the schools?
4.Did the school do a background check on all personnel from sex information providers that are allowed contact with the students?  If so, provide full copies of all such reports.  If background checks were not done, please explain why.
5.Is any school employee, nurse or other personnel, allowed to refer a student to Planned Parenthood or any other abortion or sex information provider?  If so, provide full details.
6.Does the school provide any sexually related materials to students, such as condoms, pills, pamphlets, etc., and if so, specifically what is provided, by who, and to whom?
7.Please consider this a continuing request, and provide the above information in the future as it becomes available.  Please advise me if there is any cost.

______________________                                              , 2006


  Most states give Title 10 Public Health Service Act federal funding for Planned Parenthood to go into schools (except MO, CO, ND, MS, TX, OH).  If they get tax dollars, hit them directly with an FOI request, certified mail with return receipt.  They may require a small fee for their time.  Your congressman may have this fee waived.


To: Planned Parenthood

    I request information pursuant to the federal Freedom of Information Act, U.S.C. 5.552A, regarding the 20___ to 20___ school year; you have ten days to respond.  Please advise me of any fee. 

1.What, if any, federal or state funding do you receive and what specifically are those funds used for?  Please provide copies of any documents related to this.
2.I want the names and addresses of any public schools in our state you will be in or have been in, the school district number, the specific classes, the name of the teacher, the dates you will be or have been there, and who specifically gave approval for this. 
3.What are the full names and qualifications of your staff that go into the classes?  Did you do a background check on them, and if so, provide me with full copies. 

______________________                                                       , 2006