SALT Ministries
Mike Gamble, Director

  I founded SALT Ministries to help preserve our society.  I am a recovering alcoholic, saved by the blood of Jesus.  If you submit your life to Him, He will use you in a way that fits perfectly.  He started me in pro-life street ministry.  If your enemy is content, you’re not worth much.  God led me to start using big graphic posters about two months before Planned Parenthood sought to double the size of their clinic in Colorado Springs.  This put an end to the neighbors’ complacency.  I wrote and distributed fliers to neighbors, explaining that a larger facility would allow for more medical equipment and later term abortions, with more pro-life activity.  We put up our ugly displays right outside the public meeting for the proposed expansion; 6-2-04.  (Rather brazen, aren’t we?)  Planned Parenthood was hammered so bad the clinic manager quit.  We haven’t heard any more about it!
     When people complain about the graphic posters, I ask, “If YOU were the one being torn apart today, would you scold me for being impolite in my attempt to save your skin?”  Only selfishness leads us to value someone else less than ourselves.  When people complain about young kids seeing the posters, we sympathize, but what about the kids being killed?  Many people hate graphic posters but they convict women as they enter the gates of hell.  When coupled with loving, frank sidewalk counseling and prayer to Jesus, we have many saves.  Mothers who carry around deep guilt for aborting children are convicted of sin and curse at us in their pain.  Make full use of this opportunity.  Don’t let some pagan counsel them into purgatory; Jesus puts their sin away, as far as the east is from the west, never to be remembered again (Psa. 103:12).  Don’t react to their tirade; act intentionally.  These women can be healed and set free! 
   Satan’s main weapons are deception, fear, and pride.  Graphic posters and pamphlets dispel deception; Satan will let you know these hurt him very much.  We combat fear by telling mothers about community resources to help her keep her baby or adopt.  Satan uses insults or other offenses to provoke a pride response from pro-life counselors.  Again, don’t react; act.  Respond with, “I’m wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked in the eyes of God.  We all are.  He healed me, and He will do the same for you if you ask Him.”  The real issue is Jesus and they need Him.  His Truth is penetrating, beyond your personal discourse.  Stay focused on their salvation and they will either get real or run off to avoid hearing a sermon.  Either of these outcomes is superior to you enduring their rant.  
    Hard-core pro-aborts and perverts need stronger medicine.  I read the Word of God straight at them (Heb 4:12).  In this circumstance, I’m not casting a pearl to attract swine but rather unleashing a weapon.  They get a personalized sermon on Jesus!  I may as well throw holy water on them.  Satan’s minions often gnash their teeth, block me with posters, knock the Bible out of my hand, howl, and run off.  God’s word amazes me!  I really don’t understand this awesome power.  Try it.  In 2004, I was picketing our local abortuary and challenged a Catholic priest, named Bill Carmody: “How about if you go up to those pro-abort picketers and pray to the Queen of Heaven to see if you can run them off, then I’ll preach the true Word of God straight out of the Bible at them, and we’ll see which one works?”  He had watched me for many months and wisely declined my offer.  His religion is powerless.
    God nudged us to go after Planned Parenthood in our local schools.  Again, the graphic posters and direct interaction was powerful.  I drafted and distributed bright yellow pamphlets (i.e. “ABORTION INDUSTRY”) identifying the officials who were responsible for the abortionists coming in to indoctrinate students on ‘safe sex’, abortion, and ‘alternate lifestyle’.  We picketed three days, with less than a dozen people (10-26-04).  Parents were outraged at us, and at the teachers.  Local media went wild, and Family News in Focus gave it a little national coverage.  (Life Dynamics, Inc. interviewed me for their DVD, Dec. ‘04.)  The school board responded to the uproar but only had a tied vote to stop Planned Parenthood from coming in to pour out their deadly filth on kids.  Still, I knew we would win and said so.  We do not fight against flesh and blood, but against principalities and evil (Eph. 6:12).  Understand the dynamics of the battle; walk by faith, not by sight.  I had a dagger in Satan’s gut and I was twisting it.  He slapped me once or twice, but so what.  That boy was hurtin’ for certain! 
    We don’t fight to make Satan leave, we just hold the Truth right next to him!  The contrast is so striking, he has to retreat.  We put a spotlight on him for scrutiny.  We made it clear that we were glued to Planned Parenthood; to get rid of us, they had to get rid of them.  Graphic posters would be there every time Planned Parenthood was, but only if Planned Parenthood was.  It is critical that you let schools avoid graphic posters by the desired behavior.  Liberal teachers tried to conceal the dates they would have Planned Parenthood in, but then we hit them with Freedom of Information demands.  They initially refused to comply with this federal law which requires our employees to tell us what they are doing in our buildings with our kids.  I threatened suit and they caved in.  School District 11 in Colo. Springs announced that Planned Parenthood would no longer be invited into our local schools (, 2-24-05 p.11; & 2-26-05).  The articles give great insight as to how the enemy thinks and reacts.  We had let the baby-killers indoctrinate 50,000 kids, over a period of seventeen years, then a handful of God’s servants picketed for three days and it was all over.  This is profound.  God will use us, if only we get up off the couch.  We have been self-centered and lazy.  “Resist the devil and he will flee”, James 4:7.
    We don’t have to worry about the power to overcome evil; God has all we need.  Darkness has no defense against light.  It doesn’t take much from us.  Read your Bible every day.  Don’t ask God’s opinion.  Before asking God what you should do, ask yourself if you will do whatever He says.  He will put you to work.  All you have to do is be willing.  Look at what he did with me, a former derelict in the gutter.
                                                                                                                                                                               Sincerely,  Mike Gamble